• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jasonb158
  • hace 9 años

20 oraciones con pronombres sujetos,objetos y posesivos


Respuesta dada por: ThamaraSans23
There is a letter for me.
William will call you tomorrow.
Mary works with him.
Luisa gave her a book.
This bone is for it.
This is a good place for us.
John is speaking with them.
This book is mine. (Este libro es mío)
This magazine is yours. (Esta revista es tuya)
This pencil es his. (Este lápiz es suyo)
This bag is hers. (Esta bolsa es suya)
That car is his. (Aquel automóvil es suyo)
This umbrella is hers. (Esta sombrilla es suya)
These seats are ours. (Estos asientos son nuestros)
This watch is yours. (Este reloj es tuyo)
The red handbag is hers. (La bolsa de mano roja es suya)
Those bicycles are theirs. (Aquellas bicicletas son suyas)
That overcoat is hers. (Aquel abrigo es de ella)
This toy is hers. (Este juguete es suyo)
That house is ours. (Aquella casa es nuestra)
Those cars are theirs. (Aquellos automóviles son suyos)
I prefer my ideas, and she prefers hers. (Yo prefiero mis ideas, y ella prefiere las suyas)
You go to school in your bike, and I go to school in mine. (Tú vas a la escuela en tu bicicleta, y yo voy a la escuela en la mía)
I found my book, but she couldn’t find hers. (Yo encontré mi libro, pero ella no pudo encontrar el suyo)
We enjoy our work, and they enjoy theirs. (Nosotros disfrutamos nuestro trabajo, y ellos disfrutan el suyo)
That is my problem, not yours. (Ese es mi problema, no tuyo)
I am going to the movies with a friend of mine. (Voy al cine con un amigo mío)
I can speak French.
You are a famous writer.
He is ten years old.
She is from Barranquilla.
It is a house.
We are teachers.
Are they students?

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