• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cristianloquend
  • hace 8 años

Hola necesito 10 oraciones interrogativas has y have porfavor :v


Respuesta dada por: Malustella2003
1. Have you recived any mesajes?
2. Has he asked you out?
3. Do you have a stomachache?
4. Does she have a pencil?
5. Have you seen my mother?
6. Has it been dificult?
7.She has to take the children with her to Houston. 
8.He has to lend us the money which we need.
9.She has to be back by noon.
10.She has to return later. .
Respuesta dada por: KTBPALP
1-Have you worked for your uncle? (Has trabajado para tu tío?)
2-Have they completed the project? (Ellos han completado el proyecto?)
3-Do I have a brother? (Tengo un hermnao?)
4-Do you have children? (Teneis hijos?)
5-Have you played this game before?( Has jugado este juego antes?)
1-Has he forgotten what I said? (El ha olvidado lo que dije?)
2-Has she finished her homework?(Ella ah terminado su tarea?)
3-Has he given up the tournament? (Ella ah abandonado el torneo?)
4-Has my cousin gone to Europe to study?(Mi primo se ah ido a Europa a esrudiar?)
5-Has he finished reading my book?(Él ah terminado de leer mi libro?)

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