• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: lupitaorozco88oz0vy6
  • hace 8 años

reseta de la lasaña en ingles


Respuesta dada por: GatoElPapu
Ingredients 400 g of minced pork 80 g of grated cheese 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil 1 tin of Tomato and Onion Stir Fry White Hen 1 pack of Lasagne Easy plates The Turkey 1 envelope of My Bechamel Sauce 1 splash of white wine 1 pinch of salt Step 1 In a pan, brown the minced meat with the olive oil. When it has taken color, add the Tomato and White Chicken Onion Sofrito and let it cook for 5 minutes. Make a point of salt. Add the white wine and let reduce completely. Prepare My White Hen Bechamel Sauce, according to the envelope instructions. Step 2 Hydrate Lasagna Easy Plates The Turkey as indicated on the package. Step 3 Assemble the lasagna, pour a bit of My White Bechamel Sauce into a baking dish to cover the surface. Add the plates of Lasaña Fácil El Pavo on top, until the source is covered. Put the meat on top with the Beef and Onion Sofrito Blanca Gallina and apply well. Cover the surface again with more plates of Easy Lasagna The Turkey. Repeat the operation 2 more times. Step 4 Finish over the lasagna with Mi Sauce Bechamel Gallina Blanca, the grated cheese and bake in the oven at 200ºC until it takes a nice golden color.
Respuesta dada por: luisferkastro
1.-List all the ingredients for meat lasagna.
2. In a saucepan saute the onion with olive oil and grated carro
t3. When the onion is golden, add the meat and cook for 7 minutes. All this will fill the homemade lasagna.
4. When the meat is cooked, add the tomatoes cut into squares or skin seeded and white wine, let evaporate the alcohol and reserve the mixture.
5. In a separate pan we melt the butter and add the flour to make the white sauce, cook until crumbly
.6. We add the milk and mix until thick, add salt and a little nutmeg to give a flavor to the Italian lasagna.
7. In a baking tray have a layer of pasta previously cooked in boiling water, add a layer of meat and above a layer of white sauce
8. We do this step as we see necessary and finished with a layer of paste, cream and cheese gratin, lasagna bake at 180 for 20 minutes
.9. Serve and enjoy easy meat lasagna. It is ideal to serve with a fresh salad.

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