• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: javierbello6861
  • hace 8 años

5 oraciones interrogativas con respuesta corta en pasado simple utilizando verbos irregulares


Respuesta dada por: vickyrideloym2qt
1.-Did you broke these window?
No, I didn't
2.-Did she went to paris yesterday?
Yes, she did
3.-Did Sonia bought a spensive dress?
Yes, she did 
4.-Did Marco ate his dinner?
No, he didn't
5.-Did they forgot study for the exam?
Yes, they did
Respuesta dada por: yineth06p8ewue


1.-Did you break these window?

No, I didn't

2.-Did she go to paris yesterday?

Yes, she did

3.-Did Sonia bought a expensive dress?

Yes, she did 

4.-Did Marco eat his dinner?

No, he didn't

5.-Did they forget study for the exam?

Yes, they did

Ver más en Brainly.lat - https://brainly.lat/tarea/6789954#readmore


la de arriba esta mal ya que  tienen los verbos en pasado y no es así, ya que el auxiliar did hace que el verbo se vuelva pasado al traducirse

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