• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valenperagu
  • hace 8 años

por favor ayudenme !!esta Evaluación trata de Interpretar los Textos en Inglés

1• According to the author, what is the worst possible result of stress?

Seleccione una respuesta.
a. B. Illogical behaviour
b. C. Illness
c. D. Nervousnes
d. A. Death

2 According to the passage, we become ill more easily
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. C. are under stress for a long time
b. A. act irrationally
c. D. are unable to resist
d. B. are pushed too hard

3 The passage states that stress
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. D. helps us to attack people
b. A. teaches us to fight
c. C. has a different purpose today
d. B. is not often used today

4 In the past stress levels
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. A. were high all the time
b. C. were much safer
c. D. went up and down more often
d. B. were much lower

5 The main difference between danger today and in the past seems to be that…

Seleccione una respuesta.
a. B. it is easier to deal with
b. C. work and school are more dangerous
c. A. it is harder to deal with
d. D. people at work and school like danger


Respuesta dada por: PAULOOL
Has puesto letras no se entiende.
Doble letrA:
Igual te respondo:
1. illogical behaviour
2. under stress for a long time
4. were much lower
5. It is easier to deal with

valenperagu: chico muchas gracias pero la unica buena era la ultima !!
valenperagu: gracias por tu esfuerzo!!! se te agradece ...aun asi me sirvio }
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