La 10 oraciones entre preguntas y respuestas con el tercer condicional son:
1. If I had become an actriz, what kind of movies would you have liked to do?
If I had become an actriz, I would have liked to do comedia movies
2. If you had won the lottery, where would you have traveled first?
If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled to Israel first.
3. If you hadn't been Engineer, what profession would you have chosen?
If I hadn't been Engineer, I would have chosen Psychology.
4. If you had gotten that job, How would you have celebrated?
If I had gotten that job, I would have gone out with my friends.
5. If you had chosen the where you to birth, which would that country have been.
If I had chosen the where I to birth, It would have been Islandia.
El Tercer condicional se usa para expresar lo que hubiera pasado si se hubiera dado algunas situación.