Catwoman is a fictional character that appears in comic books series of Batman, published by DC Comics, and created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger in 1940. Seline Kyle is the real identity of this character; she started as a common burglar of Gotham City wearing a black tight one-piece outfit, originally being a supervillain and becoming an adversary for Batman, to then become a permanent love interest for him, even if they have one of the most complex love-hate relationships.
This anti-heroine, that found herself more than once doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, is the main role of the book written by Lynn Abbey and Robert Asprin naned “Catwoman” in 1992. At this book, the plot is a hunting of an arm dealer by Batman, while Catwoman starts following the path of man who uses parts of endangered species of cats to make jewelry; this two stories find each other and the confrontation between all-time enemies start, fighting both for revenge and justice. This book shows a new side of Catwoman/Seline, how she fights to find her place in the world and how her two personalities fits, add up the part where she has to deal with Batman (which we know she doesn’t like him that much, or not all the time) and her sense of justice, even if she has to do “bad things” to make it happen.
How these two characters come together? Well, in the terrorist group that Batman is trying to break down (they are looking for weapons, ammunition and missiles to outfit a small army) is a man called Tiger that has an unhealthy obsession with cats, making his house a sanctuary for cats, including jewelry and artefacts made of illegal and endangered cats species.
Catwoman decided to make her life mission to end Tiger’s life and empire of illegal hunt and distribution of cats products. Batman and Catwoman find each other when she follows Tiger to Batman’s guard and the confrontation starts, including the Gotham Police.
In the end, neither Catwoman catch Tiger or Batman finds the connections of the terrorist group, they just find each other and Batman throws Catwoman into the Gotham River, to then have a little conversation about not being alone in this world.