20 oraciones con el sustantivo en plural en ingles.20 oraciones con el sustantivo en singular en ingles.
Respuesta dada por:
sustantivos regulares:
My sisters work on weekends. (Mis hermanas trabajan los fines de semana)The pens are on the desk. (Los bolígrafos están en el escritorio)
The clocks are on the wall. (Los relojes están en la pared)
The clerks are polite. (Los empleados son amables)
The cars are in the parking lot. (Los carros están en el estacionamiento)
He wash his hands before lunch. (Él se lava las manos antes del almuerzo)
The girls go to singing lessons. (Las chicas van a clases de canto)
The trees in my brother’s house are pines. (Los árboles en la casa de mi hermano son pinos)
He eats two apples every day. (Él come dos manzanas todos los días)
The company needs to buy to new trucks. (La compañía necesita comprar dos nuevos camiones)
The pencils are on the desk. (Los lápices están en el escritorio)
The glasses are in the kitchen. (Las gafas están en la cocina)
The churches are near. (Las iglesias están cerca)
The buses are at the corner. (Los autobuses están en la esquina)
The watches are new. (Los relojes son nuevos)
The dishes are broken. (Los platos están rotos)
The boxes are empty. (Las cajas están vacías)
The classes begin at ten o’clock. (Las clases comienzan a las 10)
sustantivos irregulares:
The children play in the garden every afternoon. (Los niños juegan en el jardín cada tarde)There are many men working in the street. (Hay muchos hombre trabajando en la calle)
My feet hurt. (Me duelen los pies)
There are mice in the basement. (Hay ratones en el sótano)
They are young women. (Ellas son jóvenes)
Both salesmen offer a discount. (Ambos vendedores ofrecen un descuento)
He has two rotten teeth. (El tiene dos dientes picados)
Our families meet once a month. (Nuestras familias se reúnen una vez al mes)
We were invited to two parties. (Fuimos invitados a dos fiestas)
They take care of the puppies. (Ellos cuidan a los cachorros)
There are five libraries in the city. (Hay cinco bibliotecas en la ciudad)
Both countries reached an agreement. (Ambos países lograron un acuerdo)Babies sleep a lot. (Los bebés duermen mucho)
The skies of my country are beautiful. (Los cielos de mi país son hermosos)
There are many flies. (Hay muchas moscas)
Companies are saving costs. (Las compañías están reduciendo costos)
The cities spend a lot of electricity. (Las ciudades gastan mucha electricidad)
Respuesta dada por:
20 Oraciones con sustantivos en plural.
- Brothers are playing soccer.
- Flowers smell good.
- Cars run fast.
- Buildings are high.
- My pencils are in my bagpack.
- Her eyes are blue.
- His arms are long.
- Dumbo's ears are big.
- Phones are ringing.
- Mice eat cheese.
- Children are playing.
- People are nice.
- My teeth are clean.
- My feet help me to walk.
- The oranges are big.
- The apples are tasty.
- His bones hurt.
- The clouds are beautiful.
- The bees are flying.
- The dogs are barking.
20 Oraciones con sustantivos en singular.
- Angel is writing.
- Carlos is acting.
- That person is tall.
- He is the strongest man on the world.
- She is the smartest sicientific on the world.
- We are the closest friends on the planet.
- This is the heaviest bike on the country.
- This is the coldest city.
- This is the highest building.
- He are the most important person.
- I am the clevest kid.
- You are my best friend.
- This is the worst job I've ever had.
- This is the best book you'll ever read.
- He's the best soccer player of the team.
- He's the most gorgeous man alive.
- She's the most beautiful woman alive.
- The Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
- She is the best dancer at the moment.
- Usain Bolt is the fastest runner in the world.
Ver más en: https://brainly.lat/tarea/7761646

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