• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Miikiitaa
  • hace 10 años

Necesito El Resumen De La Pelicula "El caballo De Guerra" En Ingles!!


Respuesta dada por: Skenny

What's it about? The journey begins at the height of World War I, when an English farming family acquires a vigorous hunting pony, despite not having the funds to pay it. Call Joey, the horse seems to be more than a loss for Ted and Rosie Narracott impoverished (played by Peter Mullan and Emily Watson). But his son Albert (Jeremy Irvine), is convinced tame and train to get the most out of your captivating spirit, as well as its speed and affection. Soon they become a inseparable duo. But when war breaks out, the two are separated when the animal is sold behind the boy and delivered to a dashing British cavalry officer (Tom Hiddleston). So begins the journey of Joey in this war, which will be adopted by people on both sides of the trenches and the search for Albert to find his horse in the midst of chaos.

Think of all the ingredients that have been in the films of Spielberg and find here. This guy really knows the ins and outs of his trade. This is a story of friendship and loyalty between a boy and his horse, but also the horrors of war and rivalry between men.

Without being blackmailer, the story takes fully into our hearts and envelops us with a feeling of sadness for much of the film. You really just caring for Joey and we want that horse this good. There are moments when the tears start to peek in our eyes. And not just for him but for the people that will have contact. And despite this, there is a total tragedy. As always with this director's work, there is hope. It is instructive, or seek to take sides. There are no good or bad there. A scene that makes this clear is when Joey is in no man's land between the trenches, and a German and a Spanish soldier share a very human and warm with this horse.

The recreation of the First World War is huge. The elements are cared to the smallest detail and there is a big battle scene that is raw and flawless. That is the passage of maturity that must cross Albert to continue in their quest to Joey, a search that may be unlikely that we will have some trifles not very logical, but it is in the execution of these moments and the skill with which it is directed each scene, reminding us that Spielberg is the great storyteller that many have forgotten.

The good: The photography by Janusz Kaminski, Spielberg inseparable collaborator, is a beauty. Gives a very warm in the emotional moments of the film and a particularly cold and dark tone to the moments of rawness.

The development of the story and the characters that appear in it. They greatly enrich the adventure of this horse and profess such love, it is impossible not to create a rapport with the horse.

Spielberg's direction. Do not guess the name of another director for this story and also have the weight so that the public is interested in seeing the movie starring a horse and ends glad you did after the movie.

The bad: While the first 40 minutes are used to show the bond between Albert and Joey, feel slow compared rhythm that follows once the war. Just be patient.

It's a film that leaves no middle ground. Either you love or you hate to be calling it a soap opera, after all that Spielberg knows how to manipulate the emotions of the masses, critics say.

In short: For me, the formula still works although Spielberg is predictable. The story is well told and has moments that truly move us sensitive fibers of our being. But that's okay. Occasionally you have to see these stories that remind us that we are still human.

espero ke te sirva suerte!

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