• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: erickyrosa
  • hace 10 años

nesesito preguntas y respuestas con wat is he she like

erickyrosa: es what is he she like
kimberlitha: mmmm....tiene que ser con What???
erickyrosa: si
kimberlitha: mmm..ok
erickyrosa: ok


Respuesta dada por: villao
what is your name?
my name is ..........
what time is?
it's a quarter after eleven
what is the name of your father?
the name of my father is .......
what is the name of the mother?
the name of my mother is .......
what is your home?
my house is that.
what is your favorite singer?
my favorite singer is ......

erickyrosa: grasias bro bonita tarde
Respuesta dada por: kimberlitha
Mmmm...Podría ser:
-What do he like?
He like playing tennis, reading and listening to music.
-What would he like to eat?
He like to eat a steak and chips.
Algo así aunque no estoy muy segura :/

erickyrosa: ok grasias se le agradese
kimberlitha: De nada...trate de hacerlas lo mejor posible...:)
erickyrosa: ok
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