■It's a good thing you didn't eat on the plane.
Es una buena cosa usted no come en el avión.
■Come here and eat this slice of pizza for me.
Ven aquí y comete esta rebanada de pizza por mí.
■Some of them eat breakfast, lunch and dinner right here.
Algunos de ellos comen el desayuno, almuerzo y cena.
●Tell him to go fly a kite.
Que se vaya a freír espárragos.
●I told him to go fly a kite.
Le dije que se fuera a paseo.
●Gretchen, I never got the chance to apologize About the whole "go fly a kite" thing.
Gretchen, jamás tuve oportunidad de disculparme... sobre todo el asunto de "Ir a volar una cometa".
Las oraciones en pasado simple en inglés se usan para hablar de acciones pasadas.
Los verbos "eat", "go" y "fly" son verbos irregulares.
Eat - Ate
- My mom ate breakfast earlier than the rest of us
- He ate an entire cake by himself
- Mary ate with us last night
- They ate at home
- I ate with a friend earlier
Go - Went
- We went to the movies
- My family and I went to Europe last summer
- She went to a party last weekend
- Andy went to a football game
- My dad a my mom went to several concerts when they were younger
Fly - Flew
- She used to be a pilot, she flew a plane several times
- He flew all over the country to see them in concert
- I flew to visit my parents in their new house
- They flew a plane for the first time yesterday
- Mary doesn't like planes but she had to flew to come to the wedding
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