• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jess1981
  • hace 9 años

Necesito 5 oraciones en pasado simple con el verbo eat y 5 con to go fly?


Respuesta dada por: greis35b


■It's a good thing you didn't eat on the plane.

Es una buena cosa usted no come en el avión.

■Come here and eat this slice of pizza for me.

Ven aquí y comete esta rebanada de pizza por mí.

■Some of them eat breakfast, lunch and dinner right here.

Algunos de ellos comen el desayuno, almuerzo y cena.


●Tell him to go fly a kite.

Que se vaya a freír espárragos.

●I told him to go fly a kite.

Le dije que se fuera a paseo.

●Gretchen, I never got the chance to apologize About the whole "go fly a kite" thing.

Gretchen, jamás tuve oportunidad de disculparme... sobre todo el asunto de "Ir a volar una cometa".

Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

Las oraciones en pasado simple en inglés se usan para hablar de acciones pasadas.

Los verbos "eat", "go" y "fly" son verbos irregulares.

Eat - Ate

  1. My mom ate breakfast earlier than the rest of us
  2. He ate an entire cake by himself
  3. Mary ate with us last night
  4. They ate at home
  5. I ate with a friend earlier

Go - Went

  1. We went to the movies
  2. My family and I went to Europe last summer
  3. She went to a party last weekend
  4. Andy went to a football game
  5. My dad a my mom went to several concerts when they were younger

Fly - Flew

  1. She used to be a pilot, she flew a plane several times
  2. He flew all over the country to see them in concert
  3. I flew to visit my parents in their new house
  4. They flew a plane for the first time yesterday
  5. Mary doesn't like planes but she had to flew to come to the wedding

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