• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: cuentacuarenta
  • hace 8 años

24 preguntas con is en tercera persona


Respuesta dada por: Osm867

1) Is Albert a student?

2) Is Carol a nice person?

3) Is It your celphone?

4) Is María your favorite teacher?

5) Is this a ring?

6) Is this an apple?

7) Is he Mr. Carlos?

8) Is She a woman?

9) Is Nancy a baby?

10) Is that a building?

11) Is this a hotel?

12) Is that a restaurant?

13) Is the sea blue?

14) Is the mountain green?

15) Is the sun yellow?

16) Is the belt blue?

17) What is your favorite color?

18) Where is John?

19) Is Luis a tall person?

20) Is the empire state a tall building?

21) Is José a shoemaker?

22) Is Omar a baker?

23) Is Ramón a cashier?

24) Is Mr. Romero a lawyer?


Para hacer preguntas en tercera persona con el verbo TO BE (is), se debe colocar este antes del sustantivo de la pregunta como se observa en el siguiente ejemplo:

Verbo To Be + Sustantivo + Complemento?
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