Linguistic- Word Smart
read about it, write about it, talk about it, listen to it
examples: science word games, use new science words in discussion, create a science dictionary, science writers, reporters
beginning activity: long word on the blackboard
Logical-Mathematical- Minds-on Smart
quantify it, think critically about it, conceptualize it
examples: solve problems, create problems, ask questions, discussion and debates on societal implications of science, create data tables and spreadsheets, finding analogies, working problems backwards, using science processes
beginning activity: posing a logical paradox
Visual-Spatial- Picture Smart
see it, draw it, visualize it, color it, mind-map it.
examples: make diagrams of cells, atoms, earth systems, create video presentations, mapping activities, make 3D models, flow charts, decision trees, concept maps, multi-media presentation software, draw and paint computer software.
beginning activity: unusual picture on the overhead
Bodily-Kinesthetic- Hands-on Smart
build it, act it out, touch it, get a gut feeling of it, dance it
examples: build physical models, express science concepts with bodily motion, sensory awareness activities, science probes (MBL, Science Toolkits)
beginning activity: mysterious artifact passed around the class
Musical- Rhythm and Tone Smart
sing it, rap it, listen to it
examples: find and use related songs, write and sing musical scores of science concepts, play background music in class, use natural music and sounds (birds, nature)
beginning activity: piece of music played as students come into class
Interpersonal- Cooperative Smart
teach it, collaborate on it, interact with respect to it
examples: use cooperative groups, science board games, computer games for pairs or groups, teach active listening, create a community of practice in class, networks, join discussion groups
beginning activity: "Turn to a neighbor and share..."
Intrapersonal- Reflective Smart
connect it to your personal life, make choices with regard to it
examples: journaling activities, help students write goals and objectives, portfolios, biographies, provide time for reflection, motivational speakers
beginning activity: "Close your eyes and think of a time in your life when..."
Naturalist- Ecologically Smart
sense it, feel it, experience it, relate it, think globally about it, be an activist about it
examples: sensory awareness activities, hikes and field trips into natural sites, mini-field trips outside the classroom, readings from nature magazines, nature videos, understanding, relating to and functioning in the natural world
beginning activity: "What does this leaf smell like?"