• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: eldotado
  • hace 8 años

Complete the sentences with relative pronouns.



Respuesta dada por: Macorina
1.- Young children don´t  usually like food that is very spicy.
2.- He is worried about his health, so he won´t eat at restaurants where they serve junk food. 
3.- He´s the Italian chef whose pasta recipes are online. 
4.- Is 6.00 pm the time when people usually have dinner in this country?
5.- It isn´t a good idea to eat meat that isn´t cooked.
6.- The person who ate the last piece of cake left a mess on the table!
7.- The school canteen is a place where the students have lunch. 
8.- The actress who plays chef Julia Child in the film Julie & Julia is Meryl Streep. 
9.- The food in the restaurant where we ate last night was very tasty. 
10- He´s the chef whose book I bought last week. 
11- Dan likes food that is very spicy. 
12- Summer is the season when people often eat cold food. 
13- They were on the cooking show which we watched last night. 
14- She´s the person who baked the cake. 
15- The supermarket where my mum shops sells delicious cooked food. 
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