• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jeanpaulsolano74
  • hace 9 años

Hola necesito subrayar todos los verbos del siguiente texto en ingles:


In a small village in Tibet lived an old woman who loved to eat an egg every day. I did not want roasts, vegetables, candy A single egg before bed!

Every morning, at a slow pace and using a cane made from a stick, he went to the market to buy a very delicious white egg from the corral that at night tasted like the most exquisite caviar.

Time passed and a day came when his legs, because of his advanced age, began to weaken him. Having to walk so much was tiring! For this reason he decided to break the clay jar he kept in a drawer and, with his meager savings, to buy a chicken.

- It's a perfect plan! I'll take care and pamper the hen to give me an egg every day for dinner. I'm too old to go to town every day!

In fact, he did. He escaped a beautiful specimen and returned with him home.

The hen did not have hair, lay in a corner of the kitchen where there was a soft and soft cushion. The old woman had fun and allowed it because she wanted him to feel comfortable and happy. In addition to giving her the best place in the house, she fed him the best corn and every night she covered it with a warm woolen blanket.

The hen felt very grateful from the first day because she lived like a queen. To match the old woman, she put a lot of effort into putting the best possible egg every morning. As soon as the sun came out, the woman picked him up with enthusiasm and always thanked him for the gift.

- How rich are your eggs, my gallinita, thank you very much!

The woman was so happy and happy that on one occasion she decided to invite her neighbors to dinner. Given the circumstance, she needed the hen to lay six eggs, one for her and five for her guests.

"Chicken, little hen, be good and give me six eggs for dinner tonight, please."

The hen was silent and said no and not with her little head. The poor girl did not do it out of stupidity, but because as we all know, chickens can only put one egg a day. The old woman, who was quite ignorant, did not know this characteristic of the hens and kept insisting on the poor animal.

- Come on, give me six eggs, which with one is not enough!

There was nothing to do. For the hen it was an impossible mission, something that went against her nature. Disconcerted, she looked at the old woman with a face of circumstance trying to make her understand the situation.

Unfortunately the owner lost his patience and began to curse. He was so angry that in an attack of anger and believing that the hen kept all the eggs inside, decided to open it and take them all. It was stony, his face dropped when he realized there was no one inside.

What I can do? Time was running out and the guests were about to arrive. The only thing that occurred to him was to remove the feathers, to spread them with a little oil and paprika and to roast in the oven.

The neighbors arrived on time and sat at the table. When the old woman appeared with the tray, one of them commented:

- Chicken for dinner? How strange, if you always have an egg!

- Yes, it's true ... I tried to make my chicken put six eggs today, but as it could not be, I decided to make our dinner.

The friends looked at each other in surprise and laughed.

- That's bullshit! Hens lay only one egg a day! For not thinking well since tomorrow you will have neither thing nor anything else!

What a reason the neighbor had! The old woman, by impulse, had lost her hen and therefore the possibility of eating a daily egg! Definitely a disastrous decision!

But do not worry because this story does not end badly! And that is that at night, already in bed, the old woman reflected on what happened until she found a way to correct her mistake.

- Yes, yes, I already have it! This time I will do things right!

Curious to know what he did? ...

Very easy! The next day he went to the market and was well informed of how the laying of hen's eggs was. The salesman confirmed that he could only get one egg a day and then the woman was very clear: it would be better to buy ten chickens to give him ten eggs every morning.

That's how, from that day on, he continued to enjoy a delicious egg for dinner.


Respuesta dada por: PamelaZG
buy (again)
*Ojo Muchas se repiten
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