• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: guíadelengua
  • hace 8 años

una historia de fantasía para imgkes com simple past


Respuesta dada por: dinycristimor
Two years ago, my home had a game center that no longer worked, was very curious and decided to go. I went alone to that place, I was very desolate, suddenly jump out of a fright as I heard a noise as if someone was there, ask twice:- who's there?. But nothing answered.And so passed 3 times, until I see a male figure. Was a tall boy, brown hair, big eyes, and dimpled in his cheeks.I asked him who he was. He replied: -I am the one who takes care of this park, you should not be here and alone.I answered: - I am not afraid.He nodded with his head.Since that day he and I met, we became friends, now we are a happy couple about to get married, but there was something strange about him, since sometimes he disappears without saying anything. There was something very strange, but I was afraid to discover it, I still have it.

i hope that you like it <3 
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