oraciones en ingles 20 con estos pronombres = estas son posesivasI, mine (Yo, mío, míos, mía, mías)You, yours (Tú, tuyo, tuyos, tuya, tuyas)He, his (Él, suyo, suyos, suya, suyas)She, hers (Ella, suyo, suyos, suya, suyas)It, its (Eso, suyo, suyos, suya, suyas)We, ours (Nosotros, nuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nuestras)You, yours (Ustedes, suyo, suyos, suya, suyas)They, theirs (Ellos, suyo, suyos, suya, suyas)
Respuesta dada por:
Thas is my book.
Her name is Andrea.
Theirs work is incredible.
Our parents travel to Alaska tomorrow.
Her brother is Ramiro.
My name is Brenda.
His work is so tired.
I like your notebook.
Her hair is beautiful.
My bicycle is black.
Your eyes are blues.
My teacher is Robert.
Their laptop is broken.
I don't like our classroom.
His book is interesting.
Our pet is white.
My party is so bored.
Her birthday is tomorrow.
Your computer is new.
Our city is polluted.
Her name is Andrea.
Theirs work is incredible.
Our parents travel to Alaska tomorrow.
Her brother is Ramiro.
My name is Brenda.
His work is so tired.
I like your notebook.
Her hair is beautiful.
My bicycle is black.
Your eyes are blues.
My teacher is Robert.
Their laptop is broken.
I don't like our classroom.
His book is interesting.
Our pet is white.
My party is so bored.
Her birthday is tomorrow.
Your computer is new.
Our city is polluted.
me puedes hacer 35 mas
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