• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: dorindabaker24dori
  • hace 8 años

necesito un dialogo en ingles para 6 persona x favor


Respuesta dada por: lacamiii

Person 1 hello my name is camila, which one is yours?

Person 2 hello I'm julian  
persona 3 hi I m yao

persona 4  i am federico 

persona 5  i am thiago 

persona 6  i am guadalupe 

perona 1 How's everybody?

persona 2  all right!!!!!

persona 3 I hope all of us someday can get together and have something together

persona 4  If it would be very cool

persona 5 I think the same thing we could get together tomorrow, do you think ??

persona 6 Yes tomorrow at four thirty

espero que te sirva y te den una buena calificacion

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