• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: roalmo
  • hace 8 años

please .... 60 verbos en infinitivo que esten en ingles con traduccion


Respuesta dada por: Koala0226
To absorb (absorver)
To add - añadir
to answer -responder
to apear - aparecer
to arrive - llegar
to ask - preguntar
to became - llegar a ser
to build - construir
to close - cerrar
to cook - cocinar
to cover - cubrir
to create - crear
to draw - dibujar
to drink - tomar
to dry - secar
to drive- manejar
to fix - arreglar
to follow - seguir
to found - encontrar
Respuesta dada por: wwwangel0504ou2w68
To absorb (absorver)To learn (aprender)To add (Agregar)To leave (irse, dejar)To answer (Responder)To left (dejar)To appear (Aparecer)To list (listar)To arrive (Llegar)To listen (escuchar)To ask (Preguntar)To live (vivir)To bark (Ladrar)To look (ver)To be (Ser, estar)To loose (perder)To became (llegar a ser)To make (hacer, fabricar)To belong (pertenecer)MayTo born (nacer)To mean (significar)To build (construir)To modify (modificar)Can (poder)To move (mover)To clarify (aclarar)MustTo clean (limpiar)To play (jugar, actuar, tocar un instrumento)To close (cerrar)To pull (empujar)To contain (contener)To put (poner, colocar)To cook (cocinar)To reach (alcanzar)To cost (costar)To read (leer)To cover (cubrir)To record (grabar)To crack (romper)To refuse (rechazar)To create (crear)To remain (permanecer)To cross (cruzar)To remember (recordar)To cry (llorar)To repair (reparar)To dark (oscurecer)To return (regresar)To die (morir)To save (Salvar, ahorrar)To discover (descubrir)To schedule (Programar, planear)To draw (dibujar)To sell (vender)To drink (beber)To set (poner, colocar)To drive (manejar)To shine (amanecer)To dry (secar)To show (mostrar)To ear (oír)To sing (cantar)To eat (comer)To sit (sentar)To elect (elegir)To sleep (dormir)To entertain (entretener)To smell (oler)To exchange (intercambiar)To Smile (Sonreir)To experiment (experimentar)To solve (resolver)To explain (explicar)To sound (sonar)To express (expresar)To speak (hablar)To feel (sentir)To stay (estar, permanecer)To finish (terminar)To stop (detener)To fix (arreglar)To study (estudiar)To fly (volar)To swim (nadar)To follow (seguir)To take (tomar)To formulate (formular)To taste (probar)To found (encontrar)To tell (decir, hablar)To freeze (congelar)To translate (traducir)To fun (divertir)To travel (viajar)To gift (regalar)To try (intentar)To give (dar)To turn on (encender)To go (ir)To type (Escribir (a máquina))To grow (crecer)To underline (subrayar)To have (tener)To use (usar)To help (ayudar)To wake (despertar)To honor (honrar)To walk (caminar)To include (incluir)To wash (lavar)To insist (insistir)To wear (usar)To interrupt (interrumpir)To work (trabajar)To jump (saltar)To write (Escribir)To know (saber)To zoom (moverse con rapidez)
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