• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: eileenguerrero4005
  • hace 8 años

como se escriben los numeros del 10000 al 11000 en ingles de 50 en 50


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
ten thousand
ten thousand and fifty
ten thousand and one hundred
ten thousand and one hundred and fifty
ten thousand and two hundred
ten thousand and two hundred and fifty
ten thousand and three hundred
ten thousand and three hundred and fifty
ten thousand and four hundred
ten thousand and four hundred and fifty
ten thousand and five hundred
ten thousand and five hundred and fifty
ten thousand and six hundred
ten thousand and six hundred and fifty
ten thousand and seven hundred
ten thousand and seven hundred and fifty
ten thousand and eight hundred
ten thousand and eight hundred and fifty
ten thousand and nine hundred
ten thousand and nine hundred and fifty
eleven thousand
Respuesta dada por: aldhair12


okey en ingles te digo:

1 one (uan)

2 two (chu)

3 three (zri)

4 four (four)

5 five (faiv)

6 six (six)

7 seven (seven)

8 eight ( eigt)

9 nine (nain)

10 ten (ten)

11 eleven (eleven)

12 twelve (chuel)

13 thirteen (tirtin)

14 fourteen (fourtin)

15 fiveteen (faivtin)

16 sixteen (sixtin)

17 seventeen (seventin)

18 eighteen (eigtin)

19 nineteen (naintin)

20 twenty (tuenti)

21 twenty one (tuenti uan)

22 twenty two (tuenti chu)

23 twenty three (tuenti zri)

24 twenty four (tuenti four)

25 twenty five (tuenti faiv)

26 twenty six (tuenti six)

27 twenty seven (tuenti seven)

28 twenty eight (tuenti eigt)

29 twenty nine (tuenti nain)

30 thirty

31 thirty one (tirti uan)

32 thirty two (tirti chu)

33 thirty three (tirti zri)

34 thirty four (tirti four)

35 thirty five (tirti faiv)

36 thirty six (tirti six)

37 thirty seven (tirti seven)

38 thirty eight (tirti eigt)

39 thirty nine (tirti nain)

40 forty (fourti)

41 forty one (fourti uan)

42 forty two (fourti chu)

43 forty three (fourti zri)

44 forty four (fourti four)

45 forty five (fourti faiv)

46 forty six (fourti six)

47 forty seven (fourti seven)

48 forty eight (fourti eigt)

49 forty nine (fourti nain)

50 fifty (fifti)


espero ayudarte

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