• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: natalanena84
  • hace 9 años

Necesito 10 oraciones con afirmativas con have been y 10 afirmativas con has been??


Respuesta dada por: Slecth
Afirmativas con has been
1. She has been working
2.He has been reading the book that you gave me yesterday.
3.She has been talking with him all morning.
4.She has been studying German since she was in high school.
5.George has been living in London for twenty years
6. Samuel has been travelling since last August
7. She has been waiting for you all day
8. John has been dancing all night
9. He has been talking with your best friend.
10. Maria has been crying

Afirmativas con have been

1. I have to go, we've been talking for more than two hours
2 I've been cooking something special for you.
3. We have been working
4. You’ve been playing the saxophone
5. I have been working for my aunt.
6. We have been visiting them once a week for the last year.
7. I have been losing my mind for her since we were at university. XD
8. He has been sleeping for more than fourteen hours.
9.We have been living here for two years.
10. I have been trying to figure this out.
Eso es todo, espero te sirva
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