In the spring of 1775, after more than a decade of agitation against English policies and the first battles of the War of Independence, the 13 American colonies sent representatives to the first Continental Congress held in Philadelphia. After much debate about severing ties with Britain, the representatives voted unanimously for independence on July 2, 1776.
The next day, in a letter to his wife, Massachusetts Representative John Adams said that the date "should be made solemn with pomp and parade, with demonstrations, games, sports, rifles, bells, fires and illuminations from one to another The border of this continent from now on and forever and ever. "
Thus, two days after its important vote, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence (see the image) and sent copies to the whole country. The statement was dated July 4, which the new nation adopted as Independence Day. Adams was right about how the American people would celebrate it. Even as the new country struggled to make independence a reality, July 4 was quickly characterized by parades, concerts, meals and fireworks.
The great "truths" according to the Declaration of Independence are: "that all men are equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; These rights are instituted among men, which derive their legitimate powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever a form of government becomes destructive of these principles, the people have the right to reform or abolish it and institute a new government Which is based on these principles, and to organize their powers in the way that in their judgment will offer the greatest chances of achieving their safety and happiness
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