• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jessicavelasque556
  • hace 9 años

Read and complete the text find the missing words in the word bank , .


Respuesta dada por: Wizardoffire
Traduciendo es:

Lee y completa el texto , buscar ( aqui es donde dude ya que "words" es "palabras" y luego dive "word bank" que seria "palabra banco" asi que tomalo como letras , creo que se han equivocado) letras en la palabra banco

en conclusión

Lee y completa el texto , buscar letras en la palabra banco
Respuesta dada por: angeltoms3

Leer y completar el texto y encuentra las palabras necesarias en el "Banco de Palabras".

NOTA: Olvidaste colocar el texto, por lo que te lo adjunto a la imagen.


  • B) SEND .
  • D) VIDEO .
  • E) TURN ON .
  • F) STAY UP .
  • G) PUT ON .
  • H) HOOK UP .
  • I) TURN OFF.

The world of informatioin and communication TECHNOLOGIES, best known as ICTs, is definitely changing our lives. They can be valuable instruments for education, business, and entertainment. These technological tools include computers, the INTERNET (a), smartphones, radio and television.

For example, people can do many different things with smartphones, which are like small computers that keep you online. People can take pictures, SEND (b) and receive instant messages, surf the web, check their email, DOWNLOAD (c) apps, and even make VIDEO (d) calls. Everybody wishes they had a smartphone at hand.

But, can people really control their online time? Most people today TURN ON (e) their computers in the morning and STAY UP (f) all night. They PUT ON (g) their headphones and HOOK UP (h) to the net to enjoy all sorts of internet resources. It is difficult for them to TURN OFF (i) the computer and take a nice walk. It may be time to unplug the computer and enjoy the fresh air!

Ver más: https://brainly.lat/tarea/1239949

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