• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Isisbieberrr
  • hace 10 años

Nesesito un dialogo en ingles que tenga can, could y would? Doy 15 ptss


Respuesta dada por: nbfs
-hello, how are you?
-i'm fine, thanks
-would you want to go with me to the cinema?
-ohh, i need to study but if i start quickly i could go with you...
-it sounds great! ... I can pick you up at 6:00
Respuesta dada por: mary24457181ozqyux

Diálogo en inglés con Can, Could y Would.

- Hi Clarissa, How are you?

+ Hi Max, I'm very good, and you?

- Fine. Can you take my dog for a walk? Please, I gotta go and I won't be back until 10:00 pm. If I could i hadn't called you.

+ Yes, of course. I would like to take for a walk your dog.

- I know, that's why i'm calling you.

+ Perfect! You take him to my house or I go to yours.

- I could go to your house.

+ Great! See you later.

- See you later!

Ver más: https://brainly.lat/tarea/457439

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