• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ACOSTA2005
  • hace 8 años

un texto de 7 renglones con los verbos ser, hacer y olvidar 50 puntos


Respuesta dada por: SofiCat1
I usually think what I'm going to do before I do it, I make a little map in my head to keep everything there and then I proceed to do my activities, but is actually harder than it looks, I always gorget something! I forget what was going to be my next activity, what I was thinking, I forget so many stuff I'm going to end up forgetting who I am! But I heard of come strategies that can help me remember things, like having a little notebook and a pen to write things as soon as I think about them, or for example buying a package of those little post-its and stick them around my house to remember everything, I think I might follow some of those ideas, but I can't be so forgetful anyways...

Espero te sirva!

ACOSTA2005: gracias
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