• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Magarita22
  • hace 8 años

Oraciones con there is y there are en sus tres formas interrogativa positiva y negativa


Respuesta dada por: ckg
Con there is
1. There is nothing new today
2. There is not a good place to visit
3. There is no need to do it
1. Is there a new letter for me ?
2 is there such a thing like that ?
3. Is there something better than that ?
1. There is a cat under my bed
2. There is a red pen on Mary's bag
3. There is a library on my village
Con there are
1. There are some drills
2. There are a lot of MP4 players
3. There are many violins
1. There aren't a lot of songs
2. There aren't many CDs
3. There aren't any apples in the basket
1. Are there any flower in your garden ?
2. Are there three bedrooms in your house ?
3. Are there any chairs in the kitchen ?
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