• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pauli023745
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones con en ingles going to
10 oraciones en ingles con presente simple
10 oraciones en ingles con will


Respuesta dada por: vale042000
I'm going to travel to Europe next year.
Clara is going to do her homework tomorrow.
Jorge is going to get pizza for dinner.
Marissa is going to join a club next year.
Ana is going to do her nails at the salon tomorrow.

He always drinks 8 cups of water.
Mom bakes great cakes.
Andrew changes his clothes 2 times a day.
Jenn runs very fast.
I like jogging in the mornings.

I will be a doctor one day.
Sandra will get here tomorrow.
Bob will get a new shirt for Christmas.
Carly will travel tomorrow in the morning.
Sally will find a job soon

Te dejo 5 de cada uno, espero ayude.
Respuesta dada por: practicante2


te doy a dar 50 oraciones  ya vez cual de las oraciones quieres



That car is very fast. (Ese auto es muy rápido.)

I know that man. (Conozco a ese hombre.)

That's Susan's husband. (Ese es el marido de Susan.)

That's a very tall building.

I always buy in that supermarket.

That house looks big.

That's my bag.

That's a pretty dress


This pencil is blue. (Este lápiz es azul.)

This is my favorite ice-cream. (Este es mi helado favorite)

This apple is sweet. (Esta manzana es dulce.)

This car is broken. (Este auto está averiado.)

This door is narrow. (Esta puerta es angosta.)

I don’t know what this is. (No sé qué es esto.

This is a marble table. (Esta es una mesa de mármol)

I want to wear this dress. (Quiero usar este vestido.)

This is the restaurant I told you about. (Este es el restaurant del que te hablé.)

This is the last day of the week. (Este es el último día de la semana.)


Those are his shoes. (Aquellos son sus zapatos.)

Those birds fly very high. (Aquellos pájaros vuelan muy alto.)

Those animals are fierce. (Esos animales son feroces.)

I never wore those shoes. (Nunca usé esos zapatos.)

Those are my classmates. (Esos son mis compañeros de clase.)

Those flags mean the sea is not dangerous. (Esas banderas significan que el mar no es peligroso.)

Those glasses are perfect. (Esos anteojos son perfectos.)

Those rabbits are nice. (Esos conejos son lindos.)

Those men want to buy the car. (Esos hombres quieren comprar el auto.)

Those years were difficult. (Esos años fueron difíciles.)


These children are playing. (Estos niños están jugando.)

These dogs look friendly. (Estos perros parecen amistosos.)

I like to play with these toys. (Me gusta jugar con estos juguetes.)

I want to buy these shoes. (Quiero comprar estos zapatos.)

These strawberries are good. (Estas frutillas son ricas.)

These papers are in orden. (Estos papeles están ordenados.)

I can’t understand these words. (No puedo entender estas palabras.)

These ribbons are pink. (Estas cintas son rosadas.)

These windows are clean. (Estas ventanas están limpias.)

These dishes are ready. (Estos platos ya están listos.)

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