• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: michellevargas1930
  • hace 8 años

necesito 1Q0 oraciones con el verbPorfas mi tarea es ñara mañanao jump


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo
1- I can jump

2- my friends and i jumped

3- maria wanted to jump the rope

4-they know how to jump?

5- lets jump?

6-we do know  how to jump

7-you jump every morning in the bed

8-she can jump

9- he can jump

10- she jumped between the cars

11- I go to jump for staircases.

12- Do you want to jump whith me?

13- the cats jump very high 

14- how can i jump?

15-she jumped and broke her ankle 

16-he did't want to jump

17- my friends jump very loud

Respuesta dada por: PameRoGamer
You jump every morning in the bed.
She jumped between the cars.
When I was little, I jumped all the times.
They jumped into de swimmingpool.
I got to jump for staircases.
She jumped and broke her ankle.
I didn't jump so much in my life.
The dog should jump higher.
He didn't want to jump.
Do you want to jump with me?
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hace 6 años