Necesito 10 Oraciones En Forma Negativa Utilizando El There Are


Respuesta dada por: milethpaolacan
1. There are not apples in the box. (No hay manzanas en la caja)
There are not two books on the desk. (No hay dos libros en el escritorio)
There are not two large windows in my office. (No hay dos ventanas grandes en mi oficina)
There are not two students absent today. (No hay dos estudiantes ausentes hoy)
There are not five flags at the top of the hotel. (No hay cinco banderas en la parte superior del hotel)
There are not  three factories in the city center. ( No hay 3 fabricas en el centro de la ciudad)
There are not a lot of apples in the fridge.  (No hay muchas manzanas en el refrigerador)
Respuesta dada por: lady131
There are not some apples in the chair
There are not pencils in my backpack
There are not pens in my pencil case
There are not boys in this group
There are not notebooks in your desk
There are not cell phones in this store 
There are not shoes under my bed
There are not trees in this city
There are not glue and scissors here!
There are not clothes pretty in this warehouse

Espero que te sirva ;)

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