• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: anghelof041
  • hace 8 años

10 oraciones en ingles que comience con there is y there are ...


Respuesta dada por: sharibia
there are lots of museums, galleries and other.
there are some great exhibitions at the gallery this month.
there are a few biscuits left in the packet 
there are two cloakrooms on the ground floor where you can leave your coat.
there are some sandwichs on the table .
there is a cake on the table .
there is a pizza next to the appes.
there is an aerobics class the bag.
there is some chesse on the plate 
there is a umbrella on the table 
Respuesta dada por: qichen6247641892004


Oraciones Afirmativas con There is y There are

Estas son son oraciones afirmativas con there is y there are

There is a cat = Hay un gato

There are two cats= Hay dos gatos

There is a dog = Hay un perro

There are three dogs= Hay 3 perros

There is a house = Hay una casa

There are three houses= Hay 3 casas

Oraciones Negativas con There isn’t y There aren’t

Estas son oraciones negativas con there is y there are

There isn’t any food = No hay comida

There isn’t any water = No hay agua

There isn’t any oil = No hay aceite

There aren’t any children = No hay niños

There aren’t any tables = No hay meses

There aren’t any restrooms = No hay baños


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