• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Imara
  • hace 9 años

Necesito 20 oraciones en pasado con verbo irregular aiudaaa


Respuesta dada por: nicoleignacia12
you read a book last week
i wore a red dress yesterday
she told me a secret last night
he went to a party last night
i did my homework yesterday

she wrote a book on 2007
i caught a fish on weekend
they drove to house last weekend
i met her last summer
they are fast food yesterday

she wore a red hat yesterday morning
they bought a computer last month
he went to summer camp last year
i laid my mom last night
they did them homework last week

i found a cat there last night
i saw a star last night
you wore a blue t-shirt yesterday
they came to my house last week
i had a cat on 2005
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