• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: marciajean9297
  • hace 8 años

Dialogo de dos personas Futuro Perfecto


Respuesta dada por: santti13
Hey what´s up? 
-Nothing,just planning my trip to Europe 
Wow, thats awesome, you wanna come to my party next saturday? 
-mmm im sorry i cant because i will be visiting Spain for that day 
-really? thats cool, and what else you will be doing the next week 
- well i will be traveling a lot, i will be visiting some friend and then on monday night i will be attending to a concert. 
- With whom you will go? 
- With Sarah and Tom 
- Fred wonont go? 
- No, by that time he will be at San Fransisco with his parents. 
-ohh i see,hey im sorry buy i gotta go 
- ok see you later, ill call you tomorrow 
- no, tomorrow i will be planning my party call me on sunday 
- okok bye 
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