Respuestas en negrita y subrayadas:
[Ver imagen adjunta]
Answer 1: He rang up Nancy and asked her if she would go to the dance with him.
Translation 1: Él llamó a Nancy y le preguntó si ella iría al baile con él.
Answer 2: The building was very old so they had to tear it down.
Translation 2: El edificio era muy antiguo, así que tuvieron que derribarlo.
Answer 3: The police have been looking for him every since he broke out of the prison.
Translation 3: La policía lo ha estado buscando desde que escapó de la prisión.
Answer 4: We left an hour earlier but we drove so fast that we were able to catch up with him.
Translation 4: Nosotros salimos una hora antes, pero condujimos tan rápido que pudimos alcanzarlo.
Answer 5: I've been trying to give up smoking but I simply can't do it.
Translation 5: He intentado dejar de fumar pero simplemente no puedo.
Answer 6: Timmy never hangs up anything. He just leaves it on the floor.
Translation 6: Timmy nunca cuelga nada. Simplemente lo deja en el suelo.
Answer 7: Maria filled in the job application and gave it to the secretary.
Translation 7: María rellenó la solicitud de trabajo y se la dio a la secretaria.
Answer 8: The president has decided to go ahead with his peace plan.
Translation 8: El presidente ha decidido seguir adelante con su plan de paz.
Answer 9: You are acting like a child. When will you grow up?
Translation 9: Te estás comportando como un niño. ¿Cuándo vas a crecer?
Answer 10: The teacher handed out the test books to the class.
Translation 10: El maestro entregó los libros de ejercicios a la clase.
Answer 11: I wouldn't be surprised if the company cut off my electricity. I haven't paid the bills for the three months.
Translation 11: No me sorprendería si la empresa me cortase la electricidad. No he pagado las facturas durante tres meses.
Answer 12: Can you drop me off at the train station on your way back?
Translation 12: ¿Puedes dejarme en la estación de tren en tu camino de regreso?