• Asignatura: Matemáticas
  • Autor: isisyaredgonzalez
  • hace 6 meses

1. The magnitude of an earthquake on Richter scale (R) is calculated with the expression R = logi, where i is the number of times the intensity of said telluric movement is greater than the earthquake whose intensity is the smallest you can register with a seismograph. Determine: a) How many times is an earthquake of 4 degrees on Richter scale more intense than the smallest recordable movement?
B) How many times is an earthquake of 6.4 on Richter scale more intense compared to another of 4.7 on the same scale?
C) How many times is an earthquake of 2.25 on Richter scale more intense than the minimum-level earthquake? ​


Respuesta dada por: fabioladorante888


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