• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: KATYUSCO
  • hace 7 meses

Alguien genio en ingles me puede ayudar en este ejercicio sobre los conectores en ingles? Es para hoy :((

Señale los conectores en las siguientes oraciones y tradúzcalas.

a.The overwhelming majority of respondents ate at least one portion of fruit daily, although this healthy behaviour drops off in later teens.

b. In general, respondents reported eating meat once every two days. However, girls were far more likely to be vegetarian.

c. Youngsters showed evidence of having a moderately sweet tooth, even though their preference becomes more savoury with age.

d. Respondents did not hold strong views on the effects of modern farming methods, but seemed better informed about issues related to organic food production.

e. Nevertheless, respondents would more readily consider changing the nutritional content of their diet if it had a positive effect on their looks and energy levels, rather than on their general health and wellbeing.

f. In spite of learning from their family and parents, young people found most information on health and food most commonly from books, leaflets and the Internet.


Respuesta dada por: cedenilady75


no tienes un ejemplo para la tareaaa ???

KATYUSCO: busca conectores tema ingles y el primer link que te salga hay varios ejemplos
cedenilady75: ....a.....qaaaaa
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