• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: krishmavillalobos
  • hace 6 meses

e.g. I walk to school. I walked to school yesterday.

Rewrite the sentences in the simple past.

1. We play volleyball. __________________________________ last Friday.

2. My dad works in a hospital. _______________________________two years ago.

3. I watch a lot of TV. _____________________________________last week.

4. The store opens at 9 a.m. _________________________________yesterday.

5. They listen to Radio Deejay. ________________________________yesterday evening.

6. It rains a lot. ________________________in April.

7. You finish school early. _____________________________ yesterday.



Respuesta dada por: grd04021266691


1) we played volleyball...

2) my dad worked in a hospital...

3) I watched a lot of tv...

4) the store opened at 9am...

5) they listened to radio deejay...

6) it rained a lot...

7) you finished school early...

Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


Rewrite the Sentences in the simple past.

1. We played volleyball last friday.

2. My dad worked in a hospital two years ago.

3. I watched a lot of Tv last week.

4. The store opened at 9 a.m yesterday.

5. They listened to Radio Deejay yesterday evening.

6. It rained a lot in April.

7. You finished school early yesterday.


Cuando formamos oraciones afirmativas en Pasado Simple, debemos seguir la siguiente estructura:

Sujeto + Verbo en Pasado + Complemento.

Los Verbos Regulares se cambian a pasado agregándoles D o ED.

anajaramillo77348: jjik
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