• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valeriacasteneda1
  • hace 19 días

numeros en letras en ingles en 100 en 100 hasta 10.000


Respuesta dada por: SuriBravo12


one hundred

Two Hundred

Three hundred

Four hundred

Five hundred

Six hundred

seven hundred

eight hundred

nine hundred


one thousand one hundred

one thousand two hundred

one thousand three hundred

one thousand four hundred

one thousand five hundred

one thousand six hundred

one thousand seven hundred

one thousand nine hundred

two thousand

valeriacasteneda1: hay graciassss me salvaste nomas deja espera otra respuerta y ya te doy la corona
SuriBravo12: Two thousand one hundred
Two thousand twoc
Two thousand three hundred
Two thousand four hundred
Twenty five hundred
Two thousand six hundred
Two thousand and seven hundred
Two thousand nine hundred
Three thousand
SuriBravo12: 2000-3000
SuriBravo12: Three thousand
Three thousand one hundred
Three thousand two hundred
Three thousand four hundred
Three thousand five hundred
Three thousand six hundred
Three thousand and seven hundred
Three thousand eight hundred
Three thousand nine hundred
Four thousand
SuriBravo12: 3000-4000
SuriBravo12: Four thousand
Four thousand one hundred
Four thousand two hundred
Four thousand five hundred
Four thousand six hundred
Four thousand seven hundred
Four thousand eight hundred
Four thousand nine
Five thousand
SuriBravo12: 4000-5000
valeriacasteneda1: es en 100 en 100 vdd?
valeriacasteneda1: estoy esperando ya no lo vas a hacer nena?
SuriBravo12: Zi,, perdón era tarde,, me quedé dormida
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