• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kare202114
  • hace 8 meses

unscrambled the following sentence

ordene las siguientes oraciones.

1) They/ last / since / marry/ summer.
2) never/ along/ they / each/ get/ with/ other
3) call /Tom / several / girlfriend /times.
4) appeal/ not /he /since /on/ TV /2005.
5) my /I /see /not /april/ since /sister. ayudaaaaaaa.aaaaaaa

kytt79090s: respuestas
kytt79090s: 1 They have been married since last summer.
kytt79090s: They have never gotten along with each other.
kytt79090s: I haven't heard from her recently
kytt79090s: disculpa la segunda no es
kytt79090s: digo la 3
kytt79090s: Tom has called his girlfriend several times.
kytt79090s: He hasn't appeared on TV since 2005.
kytt79090s: I haven't seen my sister since April


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


no se losiento


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