• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kamiospino510
  • hace 2 meses

Necesito 10 preguntas en pasado simple con las respuestas negativas.
(doy corona)

broken2006: Asi? Did you walk into the room? r// You did´nt walk into the room.


Respuesta dada por: kaby1109


1Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I did. (¿Tú trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada? Sí)

Las respuestas largas afirmativas se forman con Yes (Si) seguido de una coma, el sujeto, el verbo principal en pasado y el complemento de la oración.  

Did you work very hard last week? Yes, I worked very hard last week. (¿Tú trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada? Sí, trabajé muy duro la semana pasada)

Las respuestas cortas negativas se forman con No (No) seguido de una coma, el sujeto, did not. Se puede utilizar la contracción didn’t.

Did you work very hard last week? No, I didn’t. (¿Tú trabajaste muy duro la semana pasada? No)

Las respuestas largas negativas se forman con No (No) seguido de una coma, el


Respuesta dada por: phantasma


Espero que te haya servido y que no me haya equivocado.


Did you helped your sister tidy her room?

No, I didn't.

Did they study Spanish last night?

No, they didn't.

Did he work in his garden yesterday?

No, he didn't.

Did you watch television every night?

No, he didn't.

Did they talk on the phone last week?

No, he didn't.

Did she live in Japan last year?

No, she didn't. She still living in England.

Did you work very hard last week?

No, I didn't. I take my week off.

Did she want to learn French?

No, she didn't. She want to learn Spanish.

Did they find the keys for their truck?

No, they didn't. I have them.

Did your team win the tournament?

No, we didn't. We lost in the last second.

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