• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: omg25
  • hace 1 mes

¿Cuál es el error en estás oraciones? 1- Peter have a stronge horse.
2- Does they ate Sabritas?
3- My father spoke Maya.
4- The house don't have a garden. 5- Mayra and Cristine cloes not walks in the street.
6- Will she drink water?
7- Where does you study?
8-My car lose a wheel
9- I am reading a book​

peluchex: Una pequeña duda, todas tienen un error necesariamente?


Respuesta dada por: peluchex


1- Peter have (has) a stronge horse.

2- Does (did) they ate Sabritas?

3- My father spoke (speak) Maya.

4- The house don't  have (does not have) a garden.

5- Mayra and Cristine cloes (does) not walks in the street.

6- Will she drink water?

7- Where does (do) you study?

8-My car lose a wheel

9- I am reading a book​


Encontré estos, las palabras en parentesis es como debería ir.

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