• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vivianaraquelv39
  • hace 1 mes

7) Escribir los verbos en pasado. My sister and I...........(be) at home yesterday and we (help) our mum in the house. We .........(make) our beds...... (tidy) our rooms and........ ...(iron) the clothes. Then....... (clean) the bathroom and my sister ... (prepare) spaghetti . After lunch, I ........... (do) the washing-up. In the afternoon I............(go) for a walk with our dog. My sister.... (take) a bath and............(write) a letter to her friend. Our mum...... ...(go) to the market and.......... (buy) a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. Then she, ...(bake) a cake and .... ..(cook) dinner. We ...... (have) dinner when our dad ............ ...(come) home from work. He ... ... ...(be) very tired because he... -------- (have) a busy day at work. In the evening my parents.............(watch) television and .... (read) books, my sister.ee (go) to the cinema with her friends and I.. (meet) my friends in town. We both......... (have) a great time and (get) home quite late.​


Respuesta dada por: NahuelitoHuapi


Were - Helped - Made - Tidied - Ironed - Cleaned - Prepared - Did - Went - Took - Wrote - Went - Bought - Baked - Cooked - Had - Came - Was - Had - Watched - Read - Went - Met - Had - Got

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