• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ip6450762
  • hace 1 mes

Complete the conversation using the correct form of the verb “to be”.

Charlie: Hi, I _____ Charlie. I ____ from the United States. Angeles: Nice to meet you. My name ____ Angeles. I ___ from Lisbon. It _____ in Portugal. _____ you from Boston? Charlie: No, I ______ from Boston. I ______ from Port Chester, New York. Angeles: _____ Port Chester a big city? Charlie: No, it ________. It ______ a small town. _______ you a business student? Angeles: Yes, I _____. We ______ in the same university. ​


Respuesta dada por: fjbr54


Charlie : Hi I am Charlie I am from the united States. Ángeles : I am from Lisbon.

It is in Portugal Are you from Boston? Charlie : NO I am from Boston. I am from Port chester a big city? Charlie : NO it is it is a small town. Are you a business student? Ángeles : yes, I am. We are in the same university.


Espero te sirva mi respuesta, dame coronita please

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