• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gloriafonseca858
  • hace 9 meses

3. Unscramble the sentences wtritin INTERROGATIVE Example:
1. tree./there/bananas/in/Are/the?
Are there bananas in the tree?
2. birds/There/tree./in/the/Are?
3. there/a/is /gorilla/tree/on/the?
4. there/Is/ rock /a? ​


Respuesta dada por: estrellasdelfuturo79


2. Are there birds in the tree?

3. Is there a gorilla on the tree?

4. Is there a rock?


Are there - Hay. Se usa para preguntar por existencia de sustantivos en plural.

Is there - Hay. Se usa para preguntar por existencia de sustantivos en Singular.

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