• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: olvinjasirpineda
  • hace 1 mes

me ayudan en esta tarea porfa doy corona ​



Respuesta dada por: ClaudethM


1 Was Ashley working on the computer?

2 Were they repairing the bike?

3 Was Melissa taking out a book?

4 Were you listening to music?

5 Was Nicolas looking at a picture?

6 Were Emma and Bertha phoning their friend?

7 Was the girl opening the window?

8 Was he doing judo?

9 Were they coming home from school?

10 Was Tyler helping with the cooking?


1 Julia was not drinking tea.

2 They were not surfing the internet.

3 My brother was not sailing yesterday.

4 Oliver was not telling jokes.

5 The children were not tidying their room.

6 We were not downloading ringtones.

7 Claire was not washing her T-shirt.

8 He was not doing his homework.

9 Their parents were not writing e-mails.

10 Our dog was not running after the white cat


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