• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: sernazapata2004
  • hace 9 meses

Complete with the correct modal (*may, *might, *can, *could).

1. 1.I _______ accept your proposal.
2. You ____ leave now.
3. I wonder if you _____ help me.
4. You ___ ask him for help. He knows a lot.
5. Technicians _____ only take half an hour break.
6. ______ you turn on a computer?
7. _______ you turn off the electronic devices, please.
8. I _______ manage to do that.
9. ______ you help me?
10. I ___________ help you, even though I´m busy right now.


Respuesta dada por: luzmarinarosalesrios


lo siento no sé mucho inglés


. pero Buscar en Google :'(

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