• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mrcrack734
  • hace 4 meses

20 preguntas de presente continuo faciles


Respuesta dada por: SunFIower

\underline{\textbf{PRESENT\: CONTINUOUS.}}

El present continuous (presente continuo) en inglés es una forma verbal muy utilizada para expresar acciones que se están produciendo en el momento, que ocurren en general o que ocurrirán en un futuro.



20 preguntas de presente continuo:

  • ✧ Are you going to the party?
  • ✧ Paul working today?
  • ✧ What. you reading?
  • ✧ Am I dancing?  
  • ✧ Is he not swimming now?  
  • ✧ Is she travelling to New York?
  • ✧ Is it getting dark?
  • ✧ Are we doing the right thing?
  • ✧ Are they ok?  
  • ✧ What are the boys doing?  
  • ✧ the baby eating something?  
  • ✧ Where. we going?
  • ✧ Are they building a house?
  • ✧ Is he working
  • ✧ Am i feeling great?
  • ✧ Where are the people going?
  • ✧ Is he eating an apple
  • ✧ John is not at home so is he working now?
  • ✧ When is Henry coming here?
  • ✧ Are they eating again?


✨Espero que te sirva, salu2! :D



INoLongerExist: fuki
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