• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kr4tos12
  • hace 5 meses

alguien me puede pasar la pronunciacion de esto porfa xd

My name is Sergei. I´m fourteen years old. I always wake up at 7 o'clock every day except Sunday. I do morning exercises. I wash, clean my teeth, and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. In the mornings I like to eat fried eggs or omelette, cheese sandwich and to drink tea. It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. My lessons begin at 8.30. At 2 o´clock the lessons are over. I usually have six or seven lessons a day. I return home at 2 o'clock and have rest. I watch TV and play computer games. I have lunch at 3 o'clock. For lunch, I usually eat some soup, fried or mashed potatoes with cutlets and a piece of cake with a cup of tea for dessert. Occasionally, after doing my homework I go for a walk with my friends. In the evening, I go to the gym. My training lasts for an hour. Dinner consists of fish, meat or chicken, vegetables or some salad and an apple pie. After dinner I read books, newspapers and magazines, chat with friends on the phone. At 10 o´clock I take a shower, brush my teeth and go to bed.


Respuesta dada por: kriss0919
Mai neim is Sergei. Am forthin iers old. Ai olweis weik ap at seven oclok everi dei excep sundei. Ai du morning exersais. Ai wuas,clin mai tif, end comb mai hair. Ten ai haf bretfask.

Si te sirve así continuo (me avisas)

kr4tos12: si, perdon estaba ocupado xd
kr4tos12: que continues pls
kriss0919: Perdón no había vista aún la ocupas?
kr4tos12: si porfa
kr4tos12: garacias :(
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