• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Rem0uwu
  • hace 11 meses

Alguien me puede ayudar en esto:((( porfavorrrrrrrrr

Exercise 3. Change the following sentences to negative and

interrogative form.

Affirmative If my parents had worked yesterday, they would have been tired




Affirmative I would have woken up on time if I had gone to bed earlier

last night.



Affirmative If they had gotten married, they would have had a beautiful





Respuesta dada por: migueloriginal28


la primera:

negativa: If my parents hadn't worked yesterday, they wouldn't have been tired today

interrogativa: If my parents had worked yesterday, would they have been tired today?

la segunda:

negativo: I wouldn't have woken up on time if I had gone to bed earlier

interrogativo: Would i have woken up on time if i had gone to bed earlier?


negativa If they had gotten married, they wouldn't have had a beautiful family

interrogativa:  If they had gotten married, would they have had a beautiful family?


No sé si quieras explicacion, pero cuando have es un verbo auxiliar, su forma negativa es "haven't", igual pasa con Would (Que es un auxiliar si o si), su forma negativa es "wouldn't", y para que sea una pregunta, el auxiliar pasa estar alante del pronombre:

Ejemp: Yo puedo comprar una pizza (I can buy a Pizza)

"can" es un axuliar, asi que su forma negativa se le agrega el nt (o por separado: can not), y si es una pregunta seria:

Can i buy a pizza? (Pasa a estar delante del pronombre que es "I")

Los pronombres son: I (Yo), You (Tú), She (Ella), He (Él), They (Ellos), We (Nosotros) e It (Eso)

migueloriginal28: Espero haberte ayudado
Rem0uwu: AaAaAaaa gracias:(
Rem0uwu: AaAaAaaa gracias:(
Rem0uwu: AaAaAaaa gracias:(
santiagoana780l: Gracias
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