• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Taylorjein
  • hace 11 meses

With the pictures and information, form two sentences (noun and pronoun) in present continuous.

1. Emily / chat with Lorena
 ..........
 ..........

2. Mia / give a gift to her mom
 ..........
 ..........

3. Carlos / erase the board
 ..........
 ..........

4. My brother / grab my arm
 ..........
 ..........

5. My parents / dance
 ..........
 ..........

6. Luigi / sleep
 ..........
 ..........
7. Miss Brown / drag her luggage
 ..........
 ..........

8. The Smiths / walk in the park
 ..........
 ..........

9. Gina / read a comic book
 ..........
 ..........

10. Dora / hug her mom
 ..........
 ........​


Respuesta dada por: karen735


por qué yo hago mis tareas los que yo no y lo busco en Paco el chato

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