• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: tomasgrecco46
  • hace 4 meses

IMG-20210917 WA0001 Visualizador de fotos de Window Archivo Imprimir Correo electrónico Grabar- Abri AO to university in Bristol 50 I don't live at home. Every day, 1? up at 7.30 and 3 a shower. I don't have time for breakfast, but I coffee a café before classes start.x lunch at university and then to my afternoon classes. I Shopping on my way home, so I home late. I do some housework and study in the evening and then to bed at 11.30. I'm very tired at night! 12:57 pm N W​


Respuesta dada por: mario396


no seddjjssjjxbjfjsjsjjfjjjckcicjcks

tomasgrecco46: necesito urgente es un examen
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